2012-02-28 21:25:00

Nein blog za veljaču

Nea će Uskrs provesti sa svojom obitelji u Finskoj. Klikom na OPŠIRNIJE pročitajte kako je provela veljaču u školi. Želimo joj sretan put i još sretniji povratak u Hrvatsku!

The winter came finally in February. For me it had already felt like spring in January, after returning from the snowy Finland. I liked the wintery weather a lot, especially when it snowed. Sometimes it was a bit too cold though.


In February I continued doing what I had been doing that far: observing lessons and teaching Finnish and English. We also had quite a many musical practises. The month went really quickly. I was already looking forward to March and our trip to England, I'll tell you more about it in my next blog entry.


The carnival day was exciting for me. I didn't dress up, but it was great to see all the effort you put to your costumes! I think the day was really nice. Burning the Fašnik was something I never saw before. I think it's an interesting tradition.

Osnovna škola "Prof. Blaž Mađer" Novigrad Podravski